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Inclusive Legal Communication

  • Tuesday, May 07, 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Inclusive Legal Communication

Chipo C. Nyambuya

Co-Founder and a Managing Partner of CZL P.C.

Approved for 1 general CLE credit

The issues, activities, tools required to move towards inclusive, equitable, and anti-racist legal advising, counseling, advocacy, and practice. 

Chipo C. Nyambuya

Chipo C. Nyambuya is the Managing Partner of CZL P.C. a Benefit Corporation Law Firm based in Illinois.

Prior to CZL, Ms. Nyambuya was the Director of Experiential Learning and Professional Development at Loyola University Chicago where she also served as Lead Faculty and co-designer for Loyola’s Professional Identity Formation course. She was also the Principal of Virgil LLC, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practice.

She began her career as in-house legal counsel in the financial services sector with a focus on copyright, technology procurement. She then transitioned to a career as an advisor for rule of law and governance projects in international development where she designed and taught organizational and operational frameworks for governmental institutions and non-governmental agencies.

In her current practice, she advises clients on equitable, ethical, and inclusive internal governance and operations.

Illinois Chapter
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc.
© 2017 NAELA
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The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. (NAELA) was founded in 1987 as a professional association of attorneys who are dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to people as they age and people with special needs.
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